HomeProducts Railway/Metro Coach Products Segment Composite Sleepers
Composite Sleeper is made from recycled thermoplastics and inorganic fillers. It is a new type of sleeper that can replace wood or cement sleeper.
Compared with wooden sleepers, it has significant advantages. It has less water absorption, better electrical insulating property, better anti-aging and anti-corrosion. It can be on-site sawing, drilling, grinding, nailing and so on.
Size specifications can be customized according to customer needs.High spike holding ability is over time without decline with high anti-fatigue ability and durability.
Sleepers do not only use recycled materials for manufacturing, once the product damaged, they can be re-recycled and does not affect the product performance to reduce environmental pollution.
Field processing is the same as that of wood. It can be machine grooved on the side of the sleeper, drilled a hole on the top of the sleeper on-site. In the absence of special circumstances, the product is maintenance-free.